Terms & Conditions

  • HillaryNewmanPhoto.com and HillaryNewmanPhoto.Squarespace.com are owned, designed and written by Hillary Newman.

  • Photography posted on this site are protected by intellectual property rights, trademark laws, and other laws in Canada and abroad. Use of photos posted on this website or associated social media accounts with failure to credit Hillary Newman as the original source constitutes a copyright violation.

  • You acknowledge and agree that I (Hillary Newman) am not liable, directly or indirectly for any damage, injury, or loss caused by or in relation to any such content, goods displayed, or excursions encouraged by this website.

  • Please be kind and courteous in the comments section. If you are unable to do so, I will remove comments without warning.

  • Hillary Newman may modify or replace these terms of service at any time I see appropriate to do so.


  • HillaryNewmanPhoto.com is a website intended to inspire nature and sustainable travel. Although I have posted my credentials, it is entirely possible for me to make errors in my recommendations through human error or changes in over time. It is your responsibility to check the accuracy of information I have given you on this website.

  • I cannot guarantee you the same experiences I have described from my travels on this website.

  • Use the information on this site at your own risk.

Privacy Policy

  • HillaryNewmanPhoto.com does not sell or give away your personal information to any other companies.

  • With your permission, you may receive emails about blog updates.

  • I may disclose your information if we are required by law to do so, or if you violate our Terms of Service.

    Please address any questions or concerns about the above to hillaryknewman@gmail.com.